We had a great week discovering farm and letter F. The class made an amazing list of words that begin with the /F/ sound! As fate would have it we happened to go out to recess one of the first days and saw a frog right there stuck on the door! How perfect!
We explored a lot of literature this week including "The Three Billy Goats Gruff," "The Three Little Pigs," and "The Little Red Hen." They loved re-telling the stories to me and we worked on some sequencing skills with the stories (what happened first, second, third, fourth.) We've also been talking about characters and the main characters in a story. We also had fun acting out "The Three Little Pigs" during centers on Wednesday.
In religion we read the story of the lost sheep. We discussed how Jesus loves each and every one of us so much that He would leave the other 100 to come find us if we were lost. We discussed what it means to be a good community member on Friday and how we should help out with chores around the house so our parents don't feel like "The Little Red Hen!" We talked about how we help each other in our classroom clean up and work together using team work so one person doesn't have to do it all. They are doing fabulous with this!!
In handwriting we worked of course, on letter F and we made letter F's out of feathers, playdough, colored flower letter F's. My main focus this year will be on the capital letters and you can ask your child if they remember how to sing our newest handwriting song "Where Do You Start Your Letters?" song. (Hint we will start all letters at the top!)
As far as the farm theme we played with farm animals, paired animals with the sounds they make and did a lot of various farm themed hands on activities. We've been working more and more on cutting skills, this week focusing on cutting out small objects and circle shapes! I'm so proud of the effort and progress I'm seeing with this!
In math we worked on sorting, and categorizing as well as one to one correspondence (when they touch one object and say 1, then the next and say 2.) We also did some number recognizing activities. Any time you see numbers at home/on the calendar/out in the world around them please point them out and ask your kiddo what it is- help them begin to see that these numbers represent a value and they are everywhere and helpful to us if we understand or can recognize what they represent.
For our Virtue Based Restorative Discipline we did our first circle. We will use this at least once a week, and sometimes more throughout the year. We are using this diocesan approved program for discipline and restoration throughout our school. This is an important process the kids need to get familiar with. In a circle everyone has a chance to share and everyone else listens with respect. This went wonderfully this week!! The preschoolers did an amazing job! It's another great opportunity to practice self-control (which we've been working on.)
Show and Tell was a lot of fun this week, thank you for participating and sending so many neat things with your child to share. Next week we will be studying letter E, elephant and eggs! So show and tell will again be next Friday and we will be working on writing letter E.
Pictures are coming soon, please send your picture packets back next week in your students folder. On that note, thank you for remembering to get your students folders to school each day. It's helpful in keeping your students work organized and great for communication when sending things back and forth.
Lastly, thank you so much for all your support in selling trash bags. This tremendously helps our school and the Home and School turn around and use this money on students throughout the year (for example they bought the students ice cream for Grandparents Day!) Thank you for all your effort in this fundraiser.
-Mrs. Whitehair