We are learning about each of the 10 Commandments. Students will have a TEST over these in a few weeks. A copy was sent home in the conference folder. They can also be found in the planner. Please practice with your child. So far we've covered the first 3 commandments, which have to do with us and God. We'll get to the last 7, which talk about us interacting with others. We have going over lots of examples and what each commandment means for us as third graders.
We are learning all about adaptations, environments, habitats, camouflage and what animals need to survive in reading and science this week. NEXT WEEK we will start working on our projects. Posters and research pages will come home either next Wednesday or next Thursday, so your child can get started on his/her poster. Reminder, these are due THURSDAY, APRIL 20, and will be on display the following day at the family picnic. Students will give a verbal presentation over their posters. A copy of the requirements will come home with your child. We'll go over this in class, but please reach out if you have any questions. I will not send math homework after next week so students can focus on the science fair projects.
Please reply to this email if you are able to DROP US OFF AND/OR PICK US UP for our local field trip: AG DAY on Tuesday, April 11. We need dropped off around 9 and brought back to school around 1:30. So far I have Jayce's mom signed up.
WEDNESDAY: Confessions for Catholic students; others will receive a blessing from Father.
FRIDAY: FREE NO UNIFORM DAY; Sack Lunch Day; Spelling Test: (This week students have the choice to write their spelling words in print OR cursive. I have shared that if the letters are not written correctly, b instead of l, for example, it will be counted wrong. Each student was given a list of the words written in cursive so they know how the words should be written.
We had fun doing Lucky Charms math last Friday! Thank you to all who sent in special snacks for our fraction fun! We've been enjoying hands-on learning and snacks!