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Ms. Stoneberger

Newsletter September 13th-17th

September 13th-September 17th

Here are a few things that my Kindergartners are going to learn this week!!!!!!


· Reason about sets of 7 varied objects in circular and scattered configurations. Find a path through the scattered configurations. Write numeral 7. Ask, How is your seven different from mine?

· Compare counts of 8 in linear and array configurations. Match with numeral 8. Lessons found on a separate paper

· Arrange and strategize to count 8 beans in circular and scattered configurations. Write numeral 8. Find a path through the scatter set and compare paths with a partner. Lessons found on a separate paper

· Organize and count 9 varied geometric objects in linear and array (3 threes) configurations. Place objects on 5 group mats. Match with numeral 9. Lessons found on a separate paper

· Strategize to count 9 objects in circular around a paper plate and scattered configurations printed on paper. Write numeral 9. Represent a path through the scatter count with a pencil. Number each object.

Reading wonders:

· Essential Question of the week: How do baby animals move?

· Visual Vocabulary: Adventure, Movement, exhausted, exciting arrived, we

· Concepts of print, identify words

· Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme blending, isolation, read words with short a

· Literature Big book/questions/answers

· Nouns, rhymes, identify words with the letter Aa

· Writing

· Beginning to read books (Hop)

Sight words:

I, can, the, we

Up-Coming Events:

· Sept. 17th- End of Trash Bag Sales

· Sept. 24th – Fit & Fun Friday/no uniform- Social Emotional Health

· Sept. 27th – No school/In-service

· Sept. 29th – School pictures

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