C is for Calvin, D is for David, and this week, E is for Ezra!
We are working hard on our alphabet ;) and on writing our name. We are focusing on the short sounds of the vowels and the hard sounds of consonants. We enjoy finding words that start with the sound of a letter that we know. We are even starting to blend the sounds together to read words! Right now, we can read the word "Dad"!!!

D is also for Dog. We had the visit of Mrs Hunter's dog Poilu in the classroom :) It was a lot of fun. He did some tricks, we gave him some snacks, and talked about how to take care of a dog ;) Then we read the book "If you give a dog a donut"!!!
In math, we have been working on sorting, big and small, alike and different... look at those cute twins!!! We have been learning about patterns. We are also recognizing our numbers and our shapes.
This month we explored the four seasons, the changes in weather and nature surrounding us. We also talked about using our senses to notice those changes. Keep encouraging your children in noticing our beautiful world.
In this holiday season, we are learning about being thankful for the people around us, for what we have, and for the numerous blessings from our Lord. We are learning how to pray and how to show gratitude. Thank you to all of you who have participated in filling our Boxes of Joy!!!

We also celebrated Isla's 4th birthday this month :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY Isla!!!!
Preschool is fun!!!
Coming up:
On Friday, December 15, the whole school has been invited to a Santa Train ride! We might need some extra hands for that outing. I will give you more information as I get some details.
Our Preschool class Christmas party will be on Monday, December 18. Beth Anne Kriegbaum will be sending out a sign-up link if you would like to help out on that day, bring a snack or a game or craft :)
Our Preschool class Christmas program will be on Wednesday, December 20 at 6pm in the school gym. The children will present a small concert for you ;) Feel free to invite your family! We will have a little snack after the show ;) Please help us by bringing a finger food or some cookies to share on that evening :)
Christmas break will start on December 22. The last day of school for 2023 will be on Thursday, December 21.
Finally, we are starting to have a lower supply of snacks. Please consider dropping off some more snacks in the classroom at your convenience ;) Thank you so much!!!
May you enjoy this special time of year :)
Mrs Aline Hunter