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St. Andrew's News, September 23, 2022

Principal Whitehair

Preschoolers in Mrs. Hunter's class enjoyed a live learning experience watching caterpillars turn into butterflies. Here they are releasing one of their swallowtails into the Mary garden.

Next Week-

Monday - No School, Teacher Inservice, Building Committee Meeting, 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday - School Mass, 2:00

Wednesday - 2:00 Mass, CHOIR, 2:45 - 3:15

Thursday -

Friday - Sack Lunch Option Day; 4th Grade Field Trip

Important Notes-

There is no school on Monday. Teachers have in-service.

Thank you to all who helped plan and prepare for this weekend's Onward Open House!

Do you have grandparents who were not able to attend Grandparent Day who might want to learn more about our Building Addition Project? We have several mailers addressed to grandparents we can send home with students for you to mail. Contact the office and we will send home with your child.

The School Council approved the addition of t-shirt dresses for girls. Girls may now wear red or blue collared dresses with the top the style of polo shirts. Please make sure your child wears shorts underneath.

School mass next week are on Tuesday and Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.

Please join us if you can. Mass collections in September go to the Adopt-a-Student Fund. Students are encouraged to bring money for mass collections, even if just a coin or two. THANK YOU for teaching your child about the importance of stewardship and helping others.

September –

26 – No School, Staff Inservice; Building Committee Meeting, 6:00

27 - Mass, 2:00; Cognia Accreditation Presentation in KC

28 - Mass, 2:00

30 - Fourth Grade Field Trip

God bless your family with a GREAT weekend!

Principal Whitehair

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St. Andrew's Elementary School

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301 S. Buckeye

Abilene, KS 67410

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