We enjoyed all the special activities a couple weeks ago during Catholic Schools Week! We had the opportunity to zoom with Sister April, (my sister), who's a Salesian sister currently living and studying in Rome, Italy. She visited with the third graders about vocations and the vows she took of chastity, poverty and obedience. She shared some pictures with us (including some of St. Peter's Square.) She answered questions and really enjoyed seeing and talking with the kiddos! We also had fun learning about several saints and making saint puppets.
Congrats to Crayton, Aubrie, Shannon and Killian for representing our class in the spelling bee. You all did a GREAT job! We're so proud of you! Congrats also go out to Ella, Natalee, Aubrie and Emma for sharing your talents at the talent show last week. We're proud of you for sharing in front of the whole school!
Congrats to Jayce for being one of the winners in the Soil Conservation Poster Contest!
The students have been working hard the last couple of weeks. We finished our unit on multiplication. Students have flash cards in their bags to practice facts at school and home. We have SEVERAL students who've already met their AR goals! I am SO PROUD of their hard work. Thanks for your help at home. The last day to take tests is March 3. We're learning about area in math, and just took a mid-chapter test this week. Our essential question in reading is "How can you use what you know to help others?" We're continuing to work on kindness, respect and being quiet listeners.
The students brought home picture envelopes for spring pictures earlier this week. Please return if you'd like to order spring pictures.
Fri: Spelling Test & Sack Lunch Day
Next week:
MON. No school: Spiritual Renewal Day for teachers
Tues: Mass; reading log due
Wed: Mass; Ash Wed.
Friday: Sack Lunch Day; Spelling Test
Looking ahead:
Fri. March 3 is the end of 3rd quarter and the last day to take AR tests.
Thursday March 9: Parent Teacher Conferences
March 10-17: Spring Break
April 17 – State Assessment Week
April 21 – Family Picnic Day (no school the first two Fridays in April)
April 27 – Spring Program
May 5 – Field Day
May 18 – Grades 3 – 5 Field Trip - Salt Mines in Hutchinson-WILL NEED DRIVERS