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Ms. Humphrey

1st Grade Blooms

Teachers Notes:

Happy First day of Spring. I hope that you are all having a wonderful day. The auction is just around the corner and we are almost finished with the project. There are a few last minute things that have to be done but once it is finished I will take a picture and have it send out to everyone so they can see what it looks like. I hope that everyone had a wonderful spring break and I am glad to see everyone back. If you have any questions please email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you for all that you do and all the support that you give.

Important Dates:

  • March 22 – BOB

  • March 23 – Preschool Open House, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

  • March 24 – Kindergarten Bingo at Village Manor; Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters Visit; Stations of the Cross, 12:05

  • March 25 – Pictures for Auction in Gym, 8:30 a.m.

  • March 29 – First Communion Parent/Child Retreat & Banner Night, 6:30 – 7:30

  • March 30 – Home & School Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

  • March 31 – Fit & Fun Friday, No Uniform Day; Stations of the Cross, 12:05

Spelling Words:

  1. Ally

  2. Sandy

  3. puppy

  4. funny

  5. penny

  6. holy

  7. my

  8. night

  9. wash

  10. would

Sight Words:

  1. Found

  2. hard

  3. near

  4. woman

  5. would

  6. write


  • Monday- Practice spelling words and read for 10 minutes

  • Tuesday- Practice spelling words and read for 10 minutes

  • Wednesday- Practice spelling words and read for 10 minutes

  • Thursday- Practice spelling words and Read for 10 minutes

  • Friday- Have a safe and fun weekend


In reading this week we will be working on compound words, when they y says the long e sound and sequence of events. We will be talking about how animals and people work together.


In Math this week we will be working on measuring objects with rulers and with everyday objects, such as paper clips.


In science we will be wrapping up our animal unit by talking about how animals use camouflage to blend into their environments.


In Religion this week we will be talking about how the Holy Spirit helps us pray.

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