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Tuition Calculator
2023-2024 School Year
Catholic Student
First Child


Use this tool to Estimate Costs
Additional Child


Book Fee


Catholic families are also encouraged to tithe regularly to St. Andrew's  Parish which supports St. Andrew's School.
Non-Catholic Student
First Child


Additional Child


Book Fee


Book & Material Fee
$100. The book and material fee is due annually. The fee applies to all new students, including those whose siblings attend St. Andrew’s. This fee covers Registration, Books and Materials. $100 per student- Transitional Kindergarten  
Technology Fee
All Families are expected to participate in the school's SCRIP program to help support the school's technology needs.  Families will receive 25% of the SCRIP reimbursement that they earn for the school as tuition credit for the following year.  
Stewardship Hours
The success of St. Andrew's Elementary School is due to the time, talent, or treasure of the families who enroll their kids. Each family is asked to commit to 25 stewardship hours for school and/or Home & School activities. If families are unable to complete stewardship hours, families may choose to pay an additional $500 in annual tuition.
M-W-F Class  A.M.


Deposit and Material Fee


Monday - Friday  Class A.M



Monday- Friday Class (All Day) 



Preschool Tuition
Person Checking the Phone

Contactless Payments with E-Funds

How does e-Funds for Schools work?


  • Families set up and maintain their own logins, passwords, and payment preferences. Your account information is retained in a password-protected file.

  • e~Funds for Schools will help to eliminate last-minute check writing hassles

  • Payments from a credit card or checking account may easily be set up. Various fees apply.

  • Parents/guardians may establish a reoccurring payment or may opt to make a one-time payment.

  • Pay for tuition, lunch fees, and more 

  • Your payment history for the year is available with a click of the mouse

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