Teachers Corner:
Please make sure to get the Pumpkin patch field trip forms filled out and turned in. The faster we get those turned in the sooner I can update everyone on what will be happening. Please make sure to sign up for the parent-teacher conferences. This will make sure that you have your slot and will help the meetings run more efficiently. The next few weeks we have a lot of fun activities planned so please make sure to be keeping up with what is coming next. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email me. Thank you and I hope that you have a wonderful day.
Important Dates:
October 11th- Bishop Vincke will be here for Mass at 2:00; School Council Meeting at 6:30
October 12th- Battle of the Books (BOB)
October 14th- First Quarter ends, Early Dismissal 1:00
October 17th- Hearing Checks; First Quarter Reading party
October 18th- Ham Loaf Dinner
October 19th- Pumpkin Patch Field Trip!!
October 20th- Parent-Teacher Conferences (please make sure to sign up)
October 21st- No School
October 25th- Flu Shot Clinic
October 31st- Halloween Tiger Day; Trunk or Treat (1:00-2:00)
We will be going over the short sound of e and building words with the short e sound. We will also be looking at rhyming words and breaking words down into parts and sounds. When you are reading to your student please make sure to ask them questions while they are reading. This will help them start to think about what they are reading and will help them to be better readers.
Spelling Words:
For math we are still working on adding to single digit numbers together. We will also be making flash cards for your student to practice every night.
Monday- No school
Tuesday- Spelling Word Art Wall, Math flash cards, Read 10 minutes
Wednesday- Rainbow writing spelling words, math flash cards, read 10 minutes
Thursday-review spelling words and math flash cards, Read 10 minutes
Friday- Continue reading so that we can all reach our reading goal.
This week we will be continuing our talks about baptism and the wonderful gift that it is. Our saint this week is Saint Isidore the Farmer. He was born in 1080 and died in 1130. Isidore spent much of his life working on a farm in spain. He and his wife Maria, also a saint, showed their love for God by being kind to their neighbors. Although poor, Isidore and Maria shared their food with those poorer than themselves. Saint Isidore is the patron saint of Farmers and migrant workers and his feast day is May 15th.