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1st Grade Newsletter Feb. 26-March 1st

Ms. Humphrey

Teachers Notes:

Thank you to all the parents who came out to drive us to Bingo last week and for those who brought in snacks! Hard to believe we are already at the end of February, time seems to be flying by. On Friday we will be dismissing at 1:00 and there is no afterschool care. If you would like to join us for stations of the cross and have your student leave with you from there they can. Please just let me know when you pick them up for lunch I will have a sign out sheet with me. If you have not signed up for parent teacher conferences please do so as soon as you can. Thank you for all your continued support and for all that you do to support our school. I hope that you have a wonderful rest of your day and week!

Important Dates:

  • Friday March 1st- Spring Picture Day, No Uniform Day, Family Picnic Day, Stations following lunch all are invited, dismiss at 1:00, end of the 3rd quarter

  • Wednesday March 6th- School all day and no bus services in the afternoon.

  • Thursday March 7th- Parent Teacher Conferences from 12:00-8:00 (If you have not signed up yet please make sure to do so.)

  • Friday March 8th-Sunday March 17th Spring Break

  • Friday March 29th- No school Good Friday and Easter Break


  • Monday- Read for 10 minutes, Practice spelling words, sight words and math flash cards.

  • Tuesday-Read for 10 minutes, Practice spelling words, sight words and math flash cards.

  • Wednesday-Read for 10 minutes, Practice spelling words, sight words and math flash cards.

  • Thursday-Read for 10 minutes, Practice spelling words, sight words and math flash cards.

  • Friday-Read for 10 minutes, Practice math flash cards.

Spelling words:

  1. see

  2. she

  3. me

  4. be

  5. tree

  6. he

  7. we

  8. three

  9. live

  10. work

Sight Words:

  1. or

  2. out

  3. who

  4. live

  5. work


In reading this week we will be learning about when the letter e is at the end of a word and when we have two e's. We will be continuing to learn about poetry and working on writing our poems. We will be talking about how our imagination can lead to new ideas and inventions. We will also be talking about when a word ends in ed and the different sounds ed can make at the ends of words.


In math this week we will continue working on our adding and subtracting facts. We will work on writing our numbers from 1-120 and we will be talking about different ways we can solve an addition problem.


In Religion this week we will continue to talk about lent and what we can do during lent to help us feel God's presence and how to prepare for Easter.


Last week in science we learned about the moon, this week we are going to be learning about the Sun. We are going to talk about how shadows are made and we will be learning about the Daily patterns that can be found in the sun.

Pictures From Last Week:

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