First, thank you all for coming to parent/teacher conferences. It was so great chatting with all of you!
Here are a few reminders and announcements:
Field Trip!
On November 3rd we will be taking a trip to Maxwell Wildlife Rescue and then to Pilsen, KS to the Fr. Kapaun Memorial, Museum, and Church tour. We will leave the school at 8:15 a.m. and return approximately 2:45 p.m.
It most likely will be pretty cold in the morning when we are touring the wildlife rescue. Please have your students dress in layers as we will be in covered trams, but they are not heated. They do have some blankets, but it will be best to bring extra layers.
Cost: $7 -Please send with your student. I need this asap.
Mini Field Trip-Village Manor has asked us to come play BINGO again with the residents! We have not been able to do this for the past couple of years and we are delighted to participate in this service project. 4th grade will be going on November 4. We will need to leave at 12:45 p.m. and return at 1:45 p.m. We will only need a couple of drivers since we have a small class of 9. Please let me know if you can take us!
We WILL NOT have to bring snacks as we have in the past.
Drivers: I have had only one family contact me about driving. If you are able to drive for any of our field trips, please let me know. I know we have 2 field trips back to back and that might be difficult, but if you can drive to one of them, we would greatly appreciate it. If you are willing to drive and you do not have all the paperwork in order, please let me know ASAP. The process can take a week or more to complete. I can send home with paperwork, but you will need to get with Mrs. Whitehair in order to do the online portion.
We will setting new goals next week. Keep a look out in your student's planner.
Angel Tree:
In the folder from conferences, there was an envelope that has information about the Angel Tree Project 4th grade (and usually 5th) does each November. I am always so moved by the student's passion for this project from beginning to the end. We met with both grades on Wednesday and they wanted to set our goal at $1,100. This works out to approximately $50 per student.
We talked about not going and asking strangers and taking what every money people can afford to pay for each chore/job they do for someone. I reiterated that this project is all about others and how we can help people, both in doing jobs for other people and in shopping for our angels.
Some of the students asked about selling items to earn money. I told them that this is entirely up to you as a family. I am not asking anyone go spend money on items to make and sell, that decision is completely up to you.
I am still working on the final schedule for that day and will get it to you as soon as possible.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Veteran's Day:
Here is the link to submit addresses for any veterans you know and want us to send letters to. We need these as soon as possible so that we can get the letters sent.
1- Angel Tree begins
3- Field Trip to Pilsen, Ks Kapaun/Wildlife Refuge
Home and School Meeting @6:30
4- BINGO at Village Manor
7- Book Fair Begins
9- Veteran's Day Celebration
11- No School- Veterans Day
12- Fall Festival
14th- Geography Bee
22- Thanksgiving Celebrations
23-25- Thanksgiving Break
28- Angel Tree Money Due
3- Angel Tree Shopping@ Salina
15- Christmas Program @7:00p.m.
16- End of 2nd qtr- Dismiss at 1:00p.m.
19-Jan 2- Christmas Break
If you would like to sign up drive for field trips, please send me an email to:
Thank you for all your help!