Support students through donations, sponsorships, or attending the event

There are several ways for individuals and businesses to get involved to help ensure our event is a success.
Donate to the silent auction! Whether merchandise, food, or a gift certificate, silent auctions are a fun way to support our students. We're challenging 20 individuals or businesses to pull together some fun themed baskets together. Contact Shannon Woods if you'd like to donate. Donations may be featured with other items to make a minimum retail value of $25.
Donate to the live auction! Items with a higher retail value will be featured in our live auction. Some items that have been featured in the live auction include a unique experience or a party, offering a stay in a vacation home, providing a game from your season tickets. If you have some incredible items that would raise funds for the school, contact Shannon.
Cash Donations: If you'd like to donate funds, we're offering funding levels for sponsors below.
Sponsorship Levels
Legacy - $2,000
Platinum - $1000
Gold - $500
Silver - $250
Any Donation
We are always blessed by the outpouring of support we receive from our community.
In order to thank individuals and businesses properly, we are providing new sponsorship level options this year.
Contact Shannon Woods with any questions.
To be included in printed materials, logos and ads must be emailed to the publicity committee by January 20, 2022.
Attend the event
Tickets are $40 per person and will go on sale in January 2022. You can purchase tickets for you and a guest or choose to reserve a table and fill the 8-top with clients, employees, or friends. Those purchasing tables for $320 will be specially recognized during the event.
We hope you'll join us to help make our 37th Charity Auction a success!