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Copy of 4th Grade News

Mrs. Randles


Reading for Touchdowns with Tristan!

Hello! Here is just a quick update.

Just to clarify, yes, there are two (2) field trips this Friday, October 8. We will be walking to the food pantry with 5th grade and kindergarten in the morning. Then that afternoon, we will be going to Great Plains Theater for our trash bag sales reward party.

Reminder about AR. Every night students should be reading at least 20 minutes to try to make their AR goals. I have been giving them time to read in class as well, but it is not enough. If they haven't made their goals, don't worry, they have until October 15th! I don't do reading logs, but it is their homework for each night. Check with them about where they are. There is a form in their homework folder that they should be keeping track on.

When we made the goals, I had a conference with each student and asked them what their goals from last year were and if they had read any books over the summer. I informed them that anything they read over the summer could be counted as points for this quarter's goals. We then agreed on a goal that was fair.

For those students who reach their goals, the school is having a AR reward party at the end of the quarter!

We have been working on working with multi-digit numbers and multi-step word problems. This unit has dealt with adding, subtracting, rounding and writing numbers in different ways. We will be reviewing this week and will have our test on Monday. Next, we will be multiplying multi-digit numbers and long division!

In reading, we have been learning about problem and solution, cause and effect, making predictions, summarizing, and compare and contrast. This week we threw in some science by learning about volcanoes and the birth of rocks. They have been reading some expository text and learned about the scientific method. (This will be helpful for the Science Fair at the end of the year)

I want to send out a HUGE thank you for those of you who checked my Amazon with list and nearly cleared it! It has been wonderful to see the kids dig into the new books and risers for my students who like to stand.

If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Mrs. R

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