Here are a few things that my Kindergartners are going to learn this week!!!!!!
•IXL Math
•Christmas color by number (Christmas ornaments/candy canes)
•Work on Christmas Gift for parents
Reading wonders
•Essential Question of the week: How can people help to make your community better?
•Visual Vocabulary: community, improve, confused, harvest, quarrel
•Concepts of print, identify words, word building, adjectives
•Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme blending, isolation, segmentation (review all sight words studied)
•Literature Big book/questions/answers
•Verbs, rhymes, identify sight words, picture sort, syllables, position words
•Independent Writing, presentations
•Beginning to read books
Sight words:
I, can, the, we, see, a, like, and, to, go, you, do
Up-Coming Events:
•Dec. 9th- K-5 Christmas program at 7:00 PM
•Dec. 16th- 2nd quarter Reading party PJ/Board Games
•Dec.- 17th- Dismiss at 1:00/sack lunch/Tiger Day
•Dec. 20th-Jan. 3rd- Christmas Break
•Jan. 4th- School resumes
•Jan. 17th- No School/Teacher Inservice