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December Review and January News

Mrs. J. Whitehair

Hello! It's been a long while since we've had a newsletter. In the month of December we enjoyed studying all about the season of Advent (A) and learning about Mother Mary (M). My favorite bulletin board was the baby Jesus in the manger craft along with the angels. I hope you enjoyed getting them home in the folders last week. We also did a lot of practicing for our Christmas program- which they did an Amazing job at! We celebrated Patrick and Blaikely's birthdays!!

We enjoyed a very joyful and fun Christmas party and pajama day on the last day before break. Thank you to all parents who came to help and who donated snack and game for our party. We are so blessed that we had teachers, Fr. Peter, Principal Whitehair and the entire 5th grade class read to us on our reading party/pajama day!


Last week we enjoyed learning all about snow (Letter S) and this week we continued along the same lines with winter weather (Letter W.) The preschoolers are really coming along in recognizing words with the letter we are studying! We have made some huge lists of W words!! We studied ice and snow and the snow cycle this week and enjoyed doing some colored ice painting today! We also took a little walk over the see the church last week to observe all the differences in the church (and beauty) during the Christmas season. We enjoyed an indoor snowball fight today with Principal Whitehair for her birthday!

*Note: There will be less pictures of my Transitional Kindergarten friends now that they are not in my room during centers (they are busy going to P.E. and music.) Rest assured they will still get to do some of our fun center activities with Principal Whitehair during her one-on-one time with them after lunch.


Check the school website for Principal Whtiehair's updates and reminders weekly.

1) No School this Monday, January 16

2) Students need coats gloves/mittens and hat/hood every single day please

3) Students need a spare set of Winter Clothing here in their cubby to stay at school for any kind of accident that they may need to change clothes.

4) Please check your child's folder for an important note about the upcoming class auction project

5) Thank you for all the snacks sent in!!

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

-Mrs. Whitehair

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