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First Grade News, December10, 2021

Principal Whitehair

Ready for our big performance!!

Reminders for next week -

Monday - Mass, 2:00 p.m.

Tuesday -

Wednesday - Walking Field Trip to the Food and Clothing Bank for First Graders (BRING PERMISSION SLIP); No School Mass; Choir, 2:45 - 3:30; Preschool Programs

Thursday - Pajama Party for those who met their Reading Goal; Christmas Tiger Day in Afternoon

Friday - Mass at 8:15 a.m.; dismiss at 1:00 p.m. Choir Practice for all children singing at Christmas Eve mass, 1:00 p.m.

Important Notes-

We will be walking canned goods to the Food Bank on Wednesday morning. We would appreciate a helper or two if you are available to walk with us.

We will be sponsoring a Christmas plant for one of the nursing home residents. If your child would like to participate, he/she can bring money (no more than $1) next week to help with this. Using money of their own or money they earn would make it even more special. We will also be making Christmas Cards for shut-ins.

We have learned all of unit 1 and 2 sight words. Please keep practicing at home. I will be assessing these again next week.

Some students would benefit from more practice with spelling words at home. Words are getting more difficult each week and a little extra practice would be helpful.

We are earning play money to use at our classroom store the week before Christmas. Each child has a little bank that they are keeping coins in. They will be drawing a name of another student in our class to buy a gift for using their play money. If they have any left, they will be allowed to buy another small item to keep. This is a fun way to help them learn about different coins, saving money, and giving to others.

Students are encouraged to read as much as they can at home. We are setting school-wide quarterly goals. Those reaching their goal will enjoy a popcorn party at the end of the first nine weeks. Goal the first graders for the second quarter is 200 minutes. Please send your reading calendar in on Mondays. I would like to update their reading charts each Monday. Thanks!

Students are encouraged to bring money for mass collections even if just a coin or two. Mass collections in December go to Birthright.

Looking Ahead-

January 3 - Teacher In-Service/Workday

January 4 - School Resumes

January 8 - Family Game Night at Parish Hall, 6:00 - 8:30

January 10 - School Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

January 17 - No School, In-Service

January 30 - February 5 - Catholic Schools Week

February 11 0 No School, Auction Workday

February 12 - Auction

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Mrs. Whitehair

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