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January 16-Third Grade News


Catholic Schools Week is coming up Jan. 30-Feb. 3. Mrs. Whitehair sent out details for dressing up/special events each day. Also, a blue note will come home in planners with these details. Dressing up is optional, but we usually have a lot of kids participate. Please try to find things you can wear around the house-we do not want you to go out and buy costumes! Let me know if you have any questions.

Subject Updates:


We just took a mid-chapter test last week over multiplication & break apart and distribute strategy. We have a few lessons left, then we'll start a new chapter on arrays, area and perimeter. After that, we'll work on fractions. You can practice addition and subtraction facts up to 20, also multiplication facts 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, at home. We're learning 7, 8, and 9's in class.


Our essential question is: What do we know about earth and it's neighbors?

Next week's question: What makes each event in history unique?

We set new AR goals. Quarter 3 ends Friday, March 3. Reading logs are due every Tuesday, 1 hour read each week. We are reading several short books in class (most are 0.5 point). We also read a couple nonfiction articles on our ipads that are AR.


We learned about the water cycle and are making posters for the soil conservation poster contest. Thank you for helping us fill out our forms. We got to do a hands-on experiment with water vapor. We're also learning all about the solar system in reading.

Social Studies:

Topics include: Martin Luther King Jr., Kansas History, Kansas Symbols, Pioneers, guest speaker


We talked about the Christmas season last week, and epiphany. We appreciated Father Peter talking to us about the Popes last week. We are continuing to work on the apostle's creed. We are also working on participating in class circles as well as "friendzy" lessons, in which we talk about our emotions, relationships, how to be a good friend, etc.

Mass Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Friday: sack lunch day. Bring one or order from the school. Several students have readings or are helping with mass ministries.

Have a great week!

Happy Belated Birthday to Shannon and Killian!

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