· Essential Question of the week: How is everyone special?
· Oral Vocabulary words: Friends, family
· Concepts of print, identify words, word building
·Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme blending, isolation, segmentation
·Literature Big book/questions/answers
· Verbs, rhymes, identify sight words, picture sort, syllables, nouns
·Sight Words: I, not
· Lesson 1: Analyze to find two objects that are exactly the same or not exactly the same
· Lesson 2: Analyze to find two similar objects----these are the same but…..
· Lesson 3: Classify to find two objects that share a visual pattern, color, and use.
· Lesson 4: Classify items into two pre-determined categories
· Lesson 5: Classify items into three categories, determine the count in each, and reason about how the last number named determines the total.
Up-Coming Events in August:
· 15 - Holy Day Mass, 2:00 p.m.
· 16 - K - 5 Safety Talks
· 19 - Summer Reading Party
· 22 - Trash Bag Sales Begin
· 25 - Home & School Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
· 26 - No Uniform Day, Family Picnic Day