We had fun making lava lamps in science last week! We are continuing our reading chapter this week. Our essential question is "What makes different animals unique?" Students have until THIS FRIDAY MORNING to make their AR goals. Most of the students have made it-I'm so proud of them! Book-it coupons were handed out this week for the month of February. March will be our last month for book-it but we'll continue reading logs until the end of the year. We took a math test over area yesterday. Next up: fractions! We would appreciate some donations of snacks in the coming weeks. (stay tuned) Students LOVE snacks and I've found using food is a great way to learn about fractions hands-on! We have discussed lent (briefly) and talked about some things we can give up or do extra for lent. We will continue to learn about this season in the coming weeks.
We filled the marble jar a couple of weeks ago and voted to watch a movie and bring show & tell. We'll watch the movie next week but the students can bring something to share for show & tell tomorrow. It shouldn't be anything valuable/breakable and should fit in his/her bag. It can be a photo.
Friday is Isaiah's last day at St. Andrew's. His family is moving to Texas. We will miss him and wish them well! Please join me in saying prayers for safe travels and a smooth transition for his family!
Happy belated birthday to Jack and happy early birthday to Whitney, next week.
Thursday: Show & Tell
Friday - Family Picnic/Sack Lunch Day, 11:30 a.m.; No Uniform Day with Item or $1 For Food Bank; Dismiss 1:00 p.m.- no after school program
*Please sign up for a conference at the link below if you haven't done so already.
Mrs. Wilson's Third Grade - https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/1122919716032/false?popup=true#/invitation
Looking Ahead-
March 10 - Conferences - No School
March 11 - No School
March 14 - 18 Spring Break
April 1 - No School, In-service
April 11th- STATE TESTS (3rd-5th)*
April 15 - 18 Easter Break
April 28 - Spring Program (Tentative)
April 29 - Field Day
May 18 - Fifth Grade Promotion Mass
May 24 - Last Day, K - 5, Dismiss 1:00