September 7th-September 10th

Here are a few things that my Kindergartners are going to learn this week!!!!!!
* Write the numerals 1-5 in order. Answer and make drawings of decompositions with totals of 4 and 5 without equations
· Count 4-6 objects in vertical and horizontal linear configurations and array configurations. Match 6 objects to the numeral 6.
· Count 4-6 objects in circular and scattered configurations. Count 6 items out of a larger set. Write numerals 1-6 in order.
· Count 5-7 linking cubes in linear configurations. Match with numeral 7. Count on fingers from 1-7, and connect to 5 group images.
Reading wonders:
· Essential Question of the week: How can we get along with new friends?
· Visual Vocabulary: Friend, problem, grasped, escape, rescue
· Concepts of print, identify words
· Phonemic Awareness: beginning sounds
· Literature Big book/questions/answers
· Nouns, rhymes, feeling words
· Writing
· Phoneme Blending
· Beginning to read books
Sight words:
Up-Coming Events:
· Sept. 10th- Grandparents Day/sack lunch day/no-uniform 11:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m.
· Sept. 17th- End of Trash Bag Sales
· Sept. 24th – Fit & Fun Friday/no uniform- Social Emotional Health
· Sept. 27th – No school/In-service
· Sept. 29th – School pictures