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  • Ms. Stoneberger

Newsletter week 1

First week of school was a blast!!!!!!!

Tons of pictures to come

Wow! We are already off to a great start! We spent our first 2 days going over our classroom and how things run, expectations around the building, and organizing supplies, exploring the classroom, doing activities as a class. we are going to have a wonderful year! Every Friday I will send out a newsletter each week informing you of what is coming up on the calendar. We've had a busy first full week of school with tons of fun. We learned about our new classmates, making new friends, and doing things as a family/team in the classroom. We attended Mass on Monday afternoon for the first time. Every Monday we will be joining 1st-5th graders in mass until Christmas. After Christmas it will be a little different because we will be attending mass both on Monday and Wednesday. We enjoyed 3 birthday celebrations already for Laney, Brysen, and colin. August is full of birthday fun…….we still have 3 more friends to celebrate at the end of this month.

This year we are doing a fun new curriculum called Friendzy. It goes with our virtue-based restorative discipline as well as our religion curriculum. We had our first lesson about building each other up this week and will continue to do this every Tuesday. Our catchphrase this month is "we need each other." Next week we will be doing a fun hands-on experiment with students on building each other up and not tearing each other down.

Parents- I really encourage my students to practice Alphabet cards/color cards daily.

Sight words that we learned:



Reminders for next week -

Monday - Mass, 2:00 p.m. (students may bring money for mass)

Thursday- Aug. 26 - Home & School Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

Friday, Aug. 27 - No Uniform Day and Family Picnic Day (students may bring a sack lunch)

August Calendar

26 - Home & School Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

27 - No Uniform Day and Family Picnic Day

30 - Trash Sales Begin

Ø Our first family picnic day is Friday, August 27. It is also a no uniform day with an item or $1 for the Food Bank. We plan to have all families at the same time this year - 11:30 - 12:15.

September Calendar

6 - No School, Labor Day

10 - Grandparent Day/No Uniform Day/Sack Lunch Day

17 - End of Trash Bag Sales

24 - Fit & Fun Friday/No Uniform Day - Social Emotional Health

27 - No School; In-service

Ø Please mark your calendars - we are planning Grandparents Day for Friday, September 10, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

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