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October news

Mrs. Hunter

B is for our Boys: Benson, Billy and Bosco!

We have been exploring the letter B. B is for Bible and Bat, and it is also for Building, Bears, Bowling, Boots and Beads, Butterfly, Books, Blocks, and Babies!!!

Ellie was so excited to share her good news with us: she has a new baby sister!!! Welcome in our school family Baby Rosie :)

We also celebrated some Birthdays in October!

Paisley turned 5, and Zoe turned 3! We welcome our newest and youngest friend :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Paisley and Zoe!!!

We talked about fire safety, and even practiced getting out of the classroom through our window, and we did AMAZING!!! We were Brave and fast and definitely earned our firefighter hats :) It is a good time for your family to review your safety plan at home!

In science, we studied pumpkins! We started by going to our field trip to the Moose Creek pumpkin patch. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Stroda for welcoming us on their farm :)

Then we studied how pumpkins grow and we looked inside and got to touch the gooey pulp... So fun!!!

We finished the month with an awesome party for Halloween!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of the parents who helped us have a great time!!!!

As you can see, we are learning, exploring and having fun every day in Preschool!!!

Coming up: A 3-day weekend! The teachers will have inservice this Friday, so there will not be school.

In the meantime, enjoy your week!

Mrs Aline Hunter

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