We are hosting Meet Your Teacher Days on August 20 & 21. Please sign up as a family for one 30 minute session. Please plan to bring school supplies in and meet your child(ren)'s teacher(s).
If you can attend during the day, it would be very helpful if you could choose a daytime spot so those not able to attend during the day because of work can come in the evening.
For everyone's safety, please wear a mask and practice social distancing when in the school building.
You can sign up here:
We are excited to see you next Thursday, August 20th, or Friday, August 21st!
God Bless!
Christina L. Whitehair
Principal/Preschool Teacher
St. Andrew's Elementary School
301 S. Buckeye Ave.
Abilene. KS 67410
Email: cwhitehair@sasabilene.com
Phone: 785-263-2453