What a blessing to be back enjoying our school masses again!
Welcome Back, Preschoolers! We are so happy to have you here!
Thank you, Fr. Peter, for blessing their classrooms!
Next Week-
Monday - Trash Bag Sales Begin
Tuesday - 2:00 Mass
Wednesday - 2:00 Mass, CHOIR, 2:45 - 3:15
Thursday - Home & School Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Friday - Sack Lunch Option Day
Important Notes-

School masses next week are on Tuesday and Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.
Please join us if you can. Mass collections in August and September go to the Adopt-a-Student Fund. Students are encouraged to bring money for the Monday and Wednesday mass collections, even if just a coin or two. THANK YOU for teaching your child about the importance of stewardship and helping others.
Home & School trash bag sales begin on Monday. Watch for a packet coming home with your child.
Home & School meets Thursday at 6:30 in the school gym. We hope to see you there!

Friday is Family Picnic Day! Parents - please join us for sack lunch on the school playground from 11:30 – 12:05. Grades 1 - 5 parents - come directly to the playground using the south gate. If you have a child in grades Pre-K or K, meet your child in the gym. Students will be dismissed to meet parents on the playground. It is also a PAJAMA Day - or comfy clothes of your choice for meeting our summer reading goal.
Students will be reviewing/learning the Child Lures during the first nine weeks. This is an award-winning child safety curriculum that includes the prevention of child sexual abuse. If you would like more information about this diocesan approved curriculum, please visit their website:
FREE Parent Training Modules are available at:
Grandparent Day is Friday, September 9. The schedule is: 12:00 - Picnic Lunch, 12:45 - Bingo, 1:45 - Mass. Please pass on the invitation to grandparents - we would love to have them join us!
August -
22 - Trash Bag Sales Begin
25 - Home & School Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
26 - PAJAMA Day, Family Picnic Day, 11:30 - 12:05
September -
8 - Trash Bag Sales End
9 - Grandparent Day - Sack Lunch Picnic Day
19 - Picture Day
24 - Capital Campaign Open House
26 - No School; Staff Inservice
God bless your family with a GREAT weekend!
Principal Whitehair