Here are the top raffle ticket sellers - First was the Tiernan Family, Second - Camden Miller; Third - Trace Larson.
Pictured from left are Trace, Camden, Henley, Rhett
Our Lenten journey started with Ash Wednesday mass this week.
Week of February 19 - 23
Monday – No School, Teacher In-Service
Tuesday – Mass, 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday – Mass, 2:00 p.m.; Choir, 2:45 - 3:15
Thursday –
Friday – Stations of the Cross, 12:05 - 4th Grade Leaders; First Grade to Bingo at Village Manor
Other Notes -
Masses next week Tuesday & Wednesday, 2:00 p.m.
School Mass Collection - School Auction
First Reconciliation is this Saturday, February 17 at 9:00 a.m. Please keep these students in your prayers! We hope they always remain close to God through this special sacrament. Special thanks to Mrs. Woods, Mr. & Mrs. Geiger, Mrs. Brooks, and Fr. Peter.
THANK YOU for encouraging your child to do his/her homework - reading at home each school night and practicing math facts appropriate for his/her age. Those who meet their second semester class reading goal will enjoy a picnic at Eisenhower Park with Fr. Peter and Principal Whitehair. Reading to and with your child will help develop important literacy skills. New goals are in place for the second semester. REMINDER - students who attend after school are reading each night and can count those minutes.

WOW!!! What an AMAZING outcome!!
THANK YOU to all workers, donors, bidders, solicitors, and all who helped make this year's auction such a big success!!
Please see flier at right for details.
The auction is a terrific example of everyone sharing their God-given gifts and talents for the benefit of our students.
Calendar Items
17 – First Reconciliation, 9:00 a.m.
19 – No School, Spiritual Renewal Day
21 - Mrs. Hunter's Pre-K Class to Wee Fit - Drop Off & Pick up There (505 NW 3rd)
23 - Stations of the Cross, 12:05; First Grade to Village Manor for Bingo
Thank you to Ms. Stoneberger, Mrs. Randles, and the kindergarten and fourth grade parents and students for a fun Valentine's Tiger Day!!
Important Spring Dates -
First Reconciliation, Saturday, February 17, 9:00 a.m.
Stations of the Cross - Feb. 16, 23, March 1, 22
March 1, Dismiss 1:00
Feb 19, No School Spiritual Renewal Day -
March 4 - 7 Preschool Enrollment for Current Students
CALENDAR CHANGE from Original - MARCH 6 is a full day, No School March 7 - Conferences 12:00 - 8:00 p.m.
March 11 - 15, No School Spring Break
March 18 - 22, Preschool Enrollment for New Students
March 21 - Preschool Open House
March 21- Chrism Mass, Grades 3 - 5,
March 28- Seder Meal (Tentative)
Easter Break - March 20 & April 1, No School
April 3 - Banner Night
April 18 - Home & School Meeting
April 24 - First Communion Rehearsal
April 25 - Kindergarten Roundup, Spring Program, Grades TK - 5 (Tentative)
April 26 - Field Day
April 28 - First Communion
April 29 - Ms. Kohman's Preschool Field Trip to Salina
May 2 - Field Trip, Grades TK, K, & 1 (Tentative)
May 3 - Mrs. Hunter's Preschool Field Trip
May 8 - Mrs. Jenny Whitehair's Preschool Field Trip to Salina
May 10 - Grades 2 - 5 to Strataca
Preschool Programs and Last Days - Mrs. Hunter - 10:00 Wednesday, May 15; Mrs. Jenny Whitehair - Thursday, May 16, 10:00 a.m. (The transitional students may stay with kindergarten the rest of the day and the following day, Friday May 17), Ms. Kohman Thursday, May 16, 2:00 p.m.
Fifth Grade Promotion Mass, Wednesday, May 15, 6:30 p.m. (THIS DATE WILL LIKELY CHANGE DUE TO A CHANGE IN 8th GRADE GRADUATION)
God bless your family with a GREAT weekend!
Principal Whitehair