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St. Andrew's News, October 1, 2021

Principal Whitehair

Teachers enjoyed a STREAM in-service on Monday. They are excited to implement more STREAM activities in their classrooms this year!

Next Week-

Monday - Mass, 2:00 p.m.

Tuesday - Fifth Grade to STARBASE; Auction Planning Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday - Fire Safety Visit, 8:30 a.m.; School Mass, 2:00 p.m.;

Thursday -

Friday - Trash Bag Sales Party (Tentative)

October Family Picnic was so much fun! Thanks for coming, parents!!


5 - Starbase, Grade 5, Auction Planning Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

6 - Fire Safety Visit

11 - No School, In-service; School Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

12 - Starbase, Grade 5

13 - BOB

15 - Pre-K to Pumpkin Patch; Dismiss 1:00 - Teacher Work Day

19 - Starbase, Grade 5

21 - No School, Conferences - 12:00 - 8:00 p.m.

22 - No School

26 - Starbase; K - 2 to Pumpkin Patch, Building Addition Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

27 - Picture Retakes

28 - Hearing Screenings

29 - Flu Shot Clinic; Halloween Tiger Day; Trunk or Treat

Important Notes-

YEEEHAW!!We are meeting Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. to begin planning for the charity auction.Please come if you would like to help with this fun and very important fundraiser for our school. “Wild West, 2022” is February 12.

Illness updates - we are seeing a few cases of RSV in the building. Follow your doctor's recommendations on this illness. Fever must be gone for 72 hours before returning to school. We also have a few students quarantined because of positive COVID cases in their households. Please continue to keep children home if they are showing signs of illness.

Thank you to all who are planning to help with driving to STARBASE or the Pumpkin Patch. We are excited to be able to go on field trips again!

Uniform Reminders - We are past shorts season as of October 1. Red, white, or blue polo shirts should not have logo on them unless it is St. Andrew's logo. No logs on socks if they are showing. Khaki or blue slacks/shorts should not have large pockets such as cargo pants.

Home Reading Challenge - students reaching their goal will be treated to a POPCORN PARTY at the end of the quarter. Student goals are set by each classroom teacher. Please encourage your child to read (or listen to someone read for younger students).

Students are encouraged to bring money for the Monday and Wednesday mass collections, even if just a coin or two. Mass collections in August go to the Adopt-a-Student Program. THANK YOU for teaching your child about the importance of stewardship and helping others.

God bless your family with a GREAT weekend!

Principal Whitehair

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