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  • Principal Whitehair

St. Andrew's News, September 30, 2022


Thank you to Mr. Andrews and Dr. Compagnone for their excellent leadership!

Our diocese received a special honor on Tuesday as we received our district accreditation. We are the fist diocese in Kansas to be accredited as a district instead of separate schools. In addition to being fully accredited, we received the honor of being Accredited with Distinction! This award recognizes our diocese as a system that stands out in our service to learners. The award also notes that we demonstrate energetic and sustained commitment to our learners through high-quality instruction, organizational effectiveness, and commitment to continuous improvement. Congratulations to all students, staff, and stakeholders of our diocesan schools. This is a wonderful honor!

Next Week-

Monday - Mrs. Whitehair, Ms. Stoneberger, and Ms. Humphrey attend LETRS Training

Tuesday - Communion Service, 2:00

Wednesday - Communion Service, 2:00; CHOIR, 2:45 - 3:15

Thursday -

Friday - Family Picnic Day, 11:30 a.m.; No Uniform Day with $1 or Item for Food Bank

Important Notes-

Please watch for labels coming home today for the Onward Campaign. Your help with this is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!

Thank you to all who helped with and or attended the Onward Open House last Saturday. It was wonderful to see such great support for our project! Special thanks to those who helped set up, host rooms, and organize the event!

If you would like to eat lunch with your child sometime, we are opening lunches back up to allow visitors. Please use the sign-up link below if you'd like to eat with your child. This will allow us to make sure we have enough food on the day you plan to attend. Adult lunches are $4.25 and can be paid in the office. We are excited to have parent visitors again! Thanks for your cooperation in signing up in advance!

We will have communion services next week on Tuesday and Wednesday at 2:00. Please join us if you can. Mass collections in October go to Catholic Charities. Students are encouraged to bring money for mass collections, even if just a coin or two. THANK YOU for teaching your child about the importance of stewardship and helping others.

Friday is Family Picnic Day! Parents - please join us for sack lunch on the school playground from 11:30 – 12:05. Grades 1 - 5 parents - come directly to the playground using the south gate. If you have a child in grades Pre-K or K, meet your child in the gym. Students will be dismissed to meet parents on the playground. It is also a no uniform day with $1 or an item for the Food Bank.

October –

7 – Family Picnic Day, 11:30 a.m.; No Uniform Day

10 – No School, Inservice

11 – Bishop Vincke here for mass; School Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

12 - BOB

13 – Little Ike Storytime

14 – End Quarter 1, Dismiss 1:00; Preschool to Pumpkin Patch; Fifth Grade to Village Manor for Bingo

17 – Hearing Checks; First Quarter Reading Party; Building Committee Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

18 – Ham Loaf Dinner

19 – Grades K & 1 to Pumpkin Patch

20 – No School, Conferences, 12:00 – 8:00

21 – No School

25 – Flu Shot Clinic

31 – Halloween Tiger Day; Trunk or Treat, 1:00 – 2:00

God bless your family with a GREAT weekend!

Principal Whitehair

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