We had a GREAT first day in preschool/transitional kindergarten!! They were such good listeners! Pete the Cat taught everyone about wearing masks and being kind to others. We danced, sang, prayed, colored, glued, played inside and outside, had a good lunch, and just had FUN being in school!! It s a BUSY day.
Next Week, August 31 - September 4
Monday - Name Recognition | We will have fun learning names of friends and recognizing our own names.
Tuesday - Red Day | Wear or bring something RED to school.
Wednesday - Blue Day | Wear or bring something BLUE to school.
Thursday - Yellow | Wear or bring something Yellow to school.
Friday - Orange Day | Wear or bring something ORANGE to school.
Please return your family's media release that was sent home today.
Looking Ahead - Picture Day is Wednesday, September 9. See the information that was sent home.
God bless your family with a GREAT weekend!