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4th Grade News October 19, 2020

Mrs. Randles


There is so much going on in 4th grade and at St. Andrews!

Here is a quick run down:

October 19th: Rosary Around the World. 2:00 p.m. We will be joining schools from around the world in saying the full rosary.

Conferences: Thursday 5:20-7:40 Friday: 12:00-7:40- PLEASE sign up if you haven't yet.

We will be having a pumpkin decorating contest this week. We will be decorating them Monday/Tuesday and the students will vote on Wednesday.

October 21st. We will be celebrating meeting our trash bag sales goal by having a pajama party and watching the movie. The kids have asked to watch Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief. Please sign the permission slip coming home Monday if you give permission.

October 27- VBRD Family Night at 6:30 via Zoom. Watch for the link on the St. Andrew's website!

October 29- Hearing checks at school

October 30- Tiger Day! We will be marching in a parade around Old Abilene Town and come through the parking lot for a Trunk or Treat!

Classroom Updates:

Over the first nine weeks I noticed that we are really struggling with multiplication facts. These are essential for all of our math work in 4th grade. We do a multiplication fluency test every day and they have to pass a set (2s, 3s, 4s, ..) 4 times before they can move on to the next set. We really need more practice so I will be sending home a log for an extra 30 minutes of practice at home per week. Students are able to check out a set of flashcards for the set that they are currently on. You may also use any websites or games that you have at your disposal.

Also, we only had 2 students make their AR goal first quarter even though we had reading assigned every night. On the back of your multiplication log, there will now also be a reading log so students can keep track of what they are reading and how much.

Both of these logs will be due on Friday mornings.

Parents, thank you so much for your help with these. I don't like sending home extra work, but these two things are essential to being successful in 4th grade.

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