. Essential Question of the week: What do people use to do their jobs?
· Oral Vocabulary words: Equipment, uniform, utensils, expect, remained
· Concepts of print, identify words, word building
· Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme blending, isolation, segmentation
·Literature Big book/questions/answers
·Verbs, rhymes, identify sight words, picture sort, syllables, nouns, compound words, nonsense words, job words, adjectives
· Sight Word: you, go
******practice counting 1-50*********
· Math unit 3 lesson 1: Compare lengths using taller than and shorter than aligned and non-aligned endpoints.
· Math unit 3 lesson 2: Compare length measures with string
· Math unit 3 lesson 3: Make series of longer than and shorter than comparisons
· Math unit 3 lesson 4: Compare the length of linking cubes sticks to a 5 stick
Upcoming events:
· 6- Family Picnic Day, No Uniform Day with Item for Food Bank, Reading Party, Grade Cards go home.
· 10 - Building Committe Meeting, 6:30
· 11 – BOB
· 16 - No School, Inservice - Fastbridge Training with Robyn Pekarek
· 17 - School Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
· 21 - Family Game Night at Parish Center
· 29 - Catholic Schools Week Begins
· 31 - Bishop Vincke Mass, 1:30 p.m.; Building Committee Meeting, 6:30
· Please read to your child every night for 10 mins so he/she can go to our next reading party! Make sure you turn in your signed slips back to me on Fridays to count!!!!
· Please practice sight words with your child every night and return the slip each day signed for continued learning. Our combined efforts will help your child retain their learning development to help them grow. Thank you for all your efforts your child and I greatly appreciate it!