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  • Ms. Stoneberger

Newsletter April 18th-22nd


· Count to 100, finish writing 50-100 on their own

· Count to 100, PowerPoint on coins, little book called: All about a penny, reading in small groups

· Count to 100, PowerPoint on coins, little book called: All about a nickel, reading in small groups

· Count to 100, PowerPoint on coins, little book called: All about a dime, reading in small groups

Reading wonders

· Essential Question of the week: How are some animals alike and how are they different?

· Visual Vocabulary: Behavior, wander, plenty, exercise

· Concepts of print, identify words, word building

· Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme blending, isolation, segmentation

· Literature Big book/questions/answers

· Verbs, rhymes, identify sight words, picture sort, syllables, pronouns, Animal parts, action words

· Independent Writing

Sight words: (total of 22 words)

a, are, and, can, do, go, he, I, is, like, little, my, see, she, the, to, we, with, was, you, have, for

Up-Coming Events:

· April 22 - Fun Night

· April 24 - First Communion

· April 28 - Spring Program (Tentative)

· April 29 - Field Day

· May 5- Kindergarten round up

· May 6- Race for Education

May 12th Kindergarten and 1st Grade Field Trip to the Manhattan Zoo, Insect Exhibit, Lunch at the Park

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