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Newsletter for letter L

Ms. Stoneberger


Centers: Color the things that begin with the letter L, sorting animal counters by color, ABC train tracing/name practice, & vet doctor (imaginative play)

Whole Group: Musical chairs writing letter of the week L


Centers: ladybug matching the number game 1-20, basic shapes learning station, tangrams letter of the week L, & ice tray pom, pom balls sensory tub

Whole Group: 1st ten mins: Read books to a warm fuzzy, 2nd ten mins: Read a book to a friend


Centers: smooth reading story 2, unifix cubes making a pattern, ABC going fishing & Bug vase craft

Whole Group: Bible lesson for preschoolers (Talking on the phone), prayer, activity


Centers: milk & skittles/water & skittles science experiment, build a bridge for a dinosaur, letter L water paint worksheet & Magnets/paperclips strength of magnet experiment with a partner

Whole Group: Apple, apple oops game the students will put the alphabet back in order again


Centers: Writing the letter of the week worksheet, bowling, ABC bead lasing & minion operation board game

Whole Group: Show and tell for letter L (bring something that starts with the letter L)

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