Teachers Corner:
Good Morning! I can not believe that it is already the 3rd week of November. At the bottom there are some pictures of our class working on our caterpillars. I am so grateful for all that you do and that you continue to do each day. Thank you for sending in snacks and for coming to our Fall Festival that we put on. I Will not be at school on Friday this week because I will be attending a training in Salina that day. If you have any questions please email me ahead of time. Please do not have your student use any of the coupons that they received from the Capital Campaign on that day. Thank you so much. I hope that you have a safe and wonderful week this week.
Important Dates:
November 14 - iGiveCatholic Advance Giving Begins
November 15 – School Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
November 22 – Thanksgiving Mass, Dinner
November 23 – 25 No School, Thanksgiving Break
November 29 - Giving Tuesday, iGiveCatholic
November 30- St. Andrew Feast Day
For reading this week we will be working on the following:
Compound words
Counting Syllables
Sentence Writing
Fiction and NonFiction
Retelling a story (Beginning, Middle, End)
For Math this week we will be working on the following:
making a group of 10 when adding two numbers
The commutative property to make 10
making 10 when one addend is 8
Solving problems with addends of 7,8, and 9
Please have your student read to you or someone else for the 10 minutes each night.
Monday- Read for 10 minutes
Tuesday- Read for 10 minutes
Wednesday- Read for 10 minutes
Thursday- Read for 10 minutes
Friday- Read for 10 minutes
This week we will be talking about giving Thanks to God. Our Saint of the week is Saint Isidore the Farmer (1080-1130). Isidore spent much of his life workingon a farm in Spain. He and his wife Maria, also a Saint, showed their love for God by being kind to their neighbors. ALthough poor, Isidore and Maria shared their food with those poorer than themselves. He is the patron saint of farmers and migrant workers and his feast day is May 15th.
Prayer of the week: God our Father, we thank you for all your gifts. Help us follow the example of Saint Isidore by praying each day, by working hard, and by sharing our food with the poor. Amen.
