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September Notes

Mrs. Hunter

Updated: Sep 27, 2024

We have been learning about colors this month! We first learned our primary colors: red, blue and yellow! Then we did a bit of science experiment by mixing up our primary colors... making the secondary colors: orange, green and purple! We had fun wearing same color outfits, coloring (we have been coloring with crayons AND markers!), reading and doing activities with those colors. We made some art pieces with white crayons on black paper, and we learned how to make pink :)

We are working on our fine motor skills while coloring and gluing. We are focusing on pencil grip, as we are getting ready to write letters. We are trying to color inside the lines, and to trace different kinds of lines, with markers, crayons and pencils. We are getting good at this!

We have been talking and reading books about school and routines and rules at school.

Here are the activities that we do every day at school: we arrive and put our bags up, get our red folders out, play and participate in the whole school prayer / Pledge of Allegiance / announcements of the day over the intercom, then we clean up and sit at the carpet. Mrs Hunter picks the helper of the day, we pray, work on our calendar (we get to dance too during carpet time), then we listen to a story and it is already time for snack and recess!

When we come back in the classroom, we get to do some math and we work on a learning activity (creative arts, social / emotional development, religion, science or motor skills). And then, it is already time to pack up!!! If we had a good morning, we get a star on our individual behavior chart... (filling this up will get us stickers and a prize!!!) We have had A LOT of fun with our friends, but we also miss you and we are always glad to see you at the door ;)

This week, Principal Whitehair came in our classroom to teach us about safety: wear your helmet, stay with your parents, don't follow strangers, don't keep secrets and trust your instinct... Think First, Stay Safe!!!

Kelsey Miller (aka Walker's Mom :) will be our Classroom Coordinator this year. She will be my link towards parents volunteers. When we need to organize classroom parties, for the auction project, for field trips or special events, she will let you know what we need in order to make these events fun and to have you included as much as possible in your child's life at school! THANK YOU SO MUCH volunteers for all you do!!!!

Coming up:

Monday September 30: No school (inservice)

Wednesday October 23: Field trip to the Pumpkin patch

Thursday October 24: Conferences

Friday October 25: No school

Wednesday October 30: Preschool Halloween party

More details will be coming as we get closer!

I hope you have a great weekend. I will see you all next week!

Mrs Aline Hunter

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