We absolutely LOVE our new playground!! Thank you to all who supported the Itemless Item at the auction, to the Home & School, the Community Foundation of DK County, and all who supported Onward!! Special thanks also to Pat & Selinda Martin for the new adjustable basketball goal - great basketball players are in the making here now during recess!!!
Week of September 2 - 6
Monday – No School, Labor Day
Tuesday - No School Mass
Wednesday – Mass, 1:30 p.m. with Bishop Vincke; Blessing of Addition and Playground Follow; First Communion Parent Meeting, 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. in Parish Hall
Thursday – Trash Bag Orders Due
Friday - Grandparent Day, Lunch at Noon; Bingo 12:45; Mass at 1:45
Next Week Lunch Menu-
Monday - No School
Tuesday - Italian Pasta Bake, Fresh Veggies, Fruit, Milk
Wednesday - Chicken Drumstick, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Roll, Veggies, Fruit Milk
Thursday - Taco Bar, Veggies, Fruit, Milk
Friday - Sack Lunch Day
Other Notes -
School Masses Next Week are Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. and Friday at 1:45 p.m.
School Mass Collection - Adopt-a-Student Program
We are using the REMIND app this year for announcements and reminders. Please watch for an invitation from your child's teacher. BE SURE to turn on notifications in settings so you will get the text messages.
Classroom Coordinators - we will be getting information to you next week regarding your role and duties. THANK YOU for stepping up to help your child's teacher!
We tested our emergency notification system on Monday. If you did not receive a test notification, please call the school office so we can check your contact information.
If your child(ren) will leave school next Friday (Grandparent Day) with a grandparent, please let their teacher know.
Home & School Trash Bag Sales are underway! If you would like to take a list from a previous student to call customers, please ask Principal Whitehair or Mrs. Herrman. Orders and money are due THURSDAY, September 5
Back to School Pictures!
Calendar Items
2- No School, Labor Day
4 - Mass with Bishop Vincke, 1:30 p.m.; Blessing of the New Addition Follows
5 - Trash Bag Orders and Money Due
6 - Grandparent Day, Picnic - Noon, Bingo and Mass Follow
10-School Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
13- Trash Bag Pick-up
16- School Pictures
27 - Fit & Fun Friday, No Uniform Day
30 - No School, Inservice
RUBY JUBILEE is set for Saturday, March 1, 2025!
It is the 40th anniversary for our annual charity auction!
God bless your family with a GREAT weekend!
Principal Whitehair