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St. Andrew's News, December 6, 2024

Principal Whitehair

Congratulations to Miss Buller for receiving a grant from the Jeffcoat Foundation for $11,800 for the St. Andrew's Music Program. The money will be used to purchase several new instruments. Thank you to Hank Royer, pictured at left for his part in

helping with this funding.

St. Nicholas made a visit today! Thank you, St. Nick!!

Week of December 9- 13

Monday – Holy Day, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception; Mass at 2:00 p.m.

Tuesday – No School Mass; iGiveCatholic Deadline

Wednesday – School Mass, 2:00 p.m.; Choir, 2:45 – 3:15

Thursday – TK – 5 Music Practice at AHS, Leave at 8:15; Program at 7:00 at the High School Auditorium

Friday – Family Picnic Day, NOON and no Uniform Day with $1 or item for the Food Bank

Lunch Menu-

Monday - Crispito, Carrot Sticks, Baked Beans, Fruit, Milk

Tuesday - Cook's Choice, Cucumber Slices, Buttered Corn, Fruit, Milk

Wednesday - Beef Patty, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Roll, Fruit, Milk

Thursday - Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Seasoned Fries, Pepper Strips, Fruit, Milk

Friday - Family Picnic Day - Sack Lunch

Other Notes -

We will be riding buses to the high school on Thursday morning to practice for the Christmas program.

Thanks to all who drove today for the Angel Tree Project. Watch for pictures in next week's newsletter. THANK YOU and congratulations to the fourth & fifth graders, Mrs. Randles & Mrs. Anguiano to all for the hard work in earning money for to help make Christmas special for other children in need!

Christmas Eve Children's Choir

Calling all children in Grades 1-8 to sing in the Christmas Eve Children’s Choir on December 24th at 4:00 PM. Children are asked to dress in nice church clothes or school uniform . Meet in the Parish Hall at 3:30 PM that day to process into church at Mass time. Rehearsals will be in the church Dec. 20 at 1:15 -2:00 PM (after early school dismissal ) and Monday, December 23rd 10:00 – 11:00. Please try to make at least one rehearsal.  Text Theresa Brierton, 785-479-6559 if your child(ren) will be attending.  Thank you.   




We still have $22,000 in matching funds available. The deadline to double your donation is this Tuesday, December 10 at noon.

IT"S NOT TOO LATE!! We still have matching funds available. Help us secure the entire $50,000 match. Deadline is Tuesday, December 10 at noon. You support is appreciated!!

."If you'd like to help. send a check to school marked, "iGiveCatholic"

We have designated technology upgrades and educational expenses as the iGive Catholic cause for this year.  We are counting on this fundraiser to cover part of the operating expenses – this was decided last spring.  Anything above what we need to go to the current year’s fundraising income will go to the following expenses in this order-


1.  Teacher iPads (Teachers are using iPads that are very old and hard to update).

2.  Student iPads (to replace the ones that will not run Lexia and IXL in lower   


3.  Promethean boards for the remaining classrooms who do not have new ones. 


PLEASE help promote iGive Catholic and consider a gift yourself.  Any amount will be matched dollar for dollar towards this cause, up to $50,000, thanks to a very generous gift from an anonymous donor.  We will be starting a Facebook campaign next week that you can share.  THANK YOU for any way you can help!

Calendar Items-


9 - School Mass

12 – Christmas Program, 7:00 p.m. at High School Auditorium

13 - Family Picnic Day; No Uniform Day

18 – Pre-K Christmas Programs

19 - Reading Celebration

20 - Christmas Tiger Day, Dismiss 1:00 p.m.


  • RUBY JUBILEE is set for Saturday, March 1, 2025!

  • It is the 40th anniversary for our annual charity auction!

  • We had our first Steering Committee Meeting. Watch for important information coming soon about the many ways you can help.

  • Watch for Committee Sign-up Coming Soon

  • First mailing was sent this week.

God bless your family with a GREAT weekend!

Principal Whitehair

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