Congratulations to fourth and fifth grade students pictured for receiving the Bishop's Star Award for achieving a score of 3 or 4 on their state assessments.
Teachers will give these to parents at conferences this week.
Week of October 23 - 27
Monday – Fifth Grade to Starbase
Tuesday – School Mass, 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday – School Mass, 2:00 p.m.; NO CHOIR; No P.M. Bus Service
Thursday – No School, Conferences, 12:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Friday – No School
Other Notes -
Masses next week - Tuesday & Wednesday, 2:00
School Mass Collection - Honor Flights for Veterans

We are collecting diapers for Catholic Charities until November 9. Thank you if you can send some to school to help families in need!
We will also be participating in "Boxes of Joy," which provides Christmas gifts to children in need in other countries.
PARENTS: Please help us make improvements! Please complete the survey below:
Parent/Teacher Conferences are Thursday, October 26, 12:00 0 8:00 p.m.
Sign up for your child(ren)'s conferences using the links below.
Mrs. Hunter's Morning Preschool - https://signup.com/go/ukOdTRw
Mrs. Jenny Whitehair's All Day Preschool - https://signup.com/go/ygXwLvg
Ms. Kelli Kohman's Afternoon Preschool - https://signup.com/go/GPeArDA
Ms. Stoneberger's Kindergarten - https://signup.com/go/cWRMOSZ
Ms. Humphrey's First Grade - https://signup.com/go/XsRMQjJ
Mrs. Wood's Second Grade - https://signup.com/go/FubusDd
Mrs. Wilson's Third Grade - https://signup.com/go/GsbEcie
Mrs. Randles' Fourth Grade - https://signup.com/go/UGRSPjR
Mrs. Anguiano's Fifth Grade - https://signup.com/go/SeQphmD
Coming Soon -
October 31 - Halloween Tiger Day
November 21 - Thanksgiving Mass 10:30 & Dinner 11:30
Calendar Items -
23 - Starbase, Grade 5
26 - No School, Conferences 12:00 - 8:00 p.m.
27 - No School
30 - Starbase, Grade 5
31 - Halloween Tiger Day
1 – Hearing Screenings; Grades 4 & 5 Play at AMS; Holy Day Mass, 2:00
3 – Family Picnic Day; Bingo, Grade 4; Book Fair Preview
4 – Fall Festival & Book Fair
6 – Picture Retakes; Starbase, Grade 5
9 – Veteran’s Day Activities; Little Ike Storytime
10 – No School, Teacher Institute in Salina
13 – Starbase, Grade 5
14 – School Council
15 – Hearing Rechecks;
21 – Thanksgiving Mass, 10:30 a.m. (Bishop Vincke Attending), Lunch 11:30 a.m.; Turkey Trot Fit & Fun
22 - 24 No School, Thanksgiving Break
27 – Starbase, Grade 5
God bless your family with a GREAT weekend!
Principal Whitehair