Flipping for READING!
Students were treated to a Pajama and Pancake day today for
reaching our school summer reading goal.
Special thanks to our expert "Pancake Flippers" -
Mr. Whitehair, Miss Becki, Melodie Sprouse and Alex Sprouse!
THANK YOU also to the entire staff for pitching in to help this morning!!
Week of September 23 - 27
Monday –
Tuesday – School Mass, 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday – Safety Talk for morning Preschool; School Mass, 2:00 p.m.; Choir 2:45 – 3:15
Thursday –
Friday – Safety Talk for Morning Preschool; Fit & Fun Friday, No Uniform Day
Next Week Lunch Menu-
Monday - Chicken & Lettuce Salad, Breadstick, Apple Slices, Fresh Carrots, Milk
Tuesday - Taer Tot Casserole, Broccoli, Fruit, Milk
Wednesday - Huntington Chicken, Creamed Corn, Roll, Fruit, Milk
Thursday - Ham, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Beans, Fruit, Milk
Friday - Sack Lunch Day
Other Notes -
School Masses Next Week are on Tuesday & Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. Please join us if you can. School Mass Collection - Adopt-a-Student Program.
We had so much fun with our PANCAKE AND PAJAMA DAY today! Thank you to those who turned in reading logs for summer! Our next Reading party is coming soon - please make sure your child is reading at home and filling in minutes on reading calendars.
Next Friday is a no uniform day and Fit & Fun Friday. Students in some grades will be going off school grounds on a nature walk.
Students and staff participated in a school evacuation drill this week as part of our safety training. We will continue to teach about school safety while at the same time trying to maintain their innocence as much as possible. Our goal is to help them understand what to do in all types of emergencies. We also try to keep discussions age appropriate. Preschool students who attend mornings only will learn more this coming week about safety.
Calendar Items
27 - Fit & Fun Friday, No Uniform Day
30 - No School, Inservice
1 – Altar Server Training, Grades 4 & 5; BOB, 3:00 - 4:15
4 – Village Manor Bingo - Grade 5; Reading for Touchdowns
5 – Onward Celebration
8 – School Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
9 – Fire Safety Visit, 10:15
10 – Little Ike Storytime
11 – Reading for Touchdowns
18 – Flu Shot Clinic; Reading Party; Family Picnic Day; Dismiss 1:00
23 – Preschool Field Trip to Pumpkin Patch
24 – No School, Conferences, 12:00 – 8:00 p.m.
25 – No School
31 – Halloween Tiger Day, Trunk or Treat
RUBY JUBILEE is set for Saturday, March 1, 2025!
It is the 40th anniversary for our annual charity auction!
God bless your family with a GREAT weekend!
Principal Whitehair