I is for igloo! That was our letter this week. We focused on the short sound of /i/, like in insect, imagination, and instruments :) We had so much fun exploring the instruments! We have some future rockstars in preschool ;)
The religion lesson this week was: I take care of myself. Now that we are getting bigger, God (and our parents) are expecting us to take part in our care each day. We talked about all the things that we can do to keep our body healthy and safe, but also how we have to take care of our heart and soul while we pray to God and build a relationship with Him. Keep encouraging and praising your children with their self-care every day :)
For science, the 5th grade class let us borrow their classroom pets to observe. Meet Mahomes and Dancer... the hermit crabs! (Mahomes outgrew his football shell... so he gave it to his brother ;)
It was fascinating to learn about these interesting creatures, and to watch them walk on the carpet!!! We even watched a video about how they change shell!
We continued working on our fine motor skills while having fun...
Coming up: No school for the kiddos tomorrow Monday ;) The teachers will be working on school improvement.
We will continue working on our classroom auction project (you are going to LOVE it!!!!). Thank you for your donations and for volunteering towards our school charity auction! Tickets for the live event go on sale on Wednesday... Reserve a table and bring your friends!!!
I hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend! I am looking forward to see you back on Tuesday (small group) and Wednesday (whole group).
Mrs Aline Hunter