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Mrs. Hunter

Week #4

We are all so colorful! This week we learned about the secondary colors... orange, green, and purple! We have been coloring with crayons AND markers! We read books about colors too (thank you friends for sharing your favorite books from home!). We have also used glue!!! and we like that a lot! (discovering the glue sticks in the crayon boxes was like opening a Christmas present!!!)

In small groups, we tried to figure out how we can make orange, green and purple, by mixing up our primary colors... It was fun, but the purple didn't really come out (you will see

when the purple paintings are dried ;)

We learned a new word this week: routine (it's a french word too ;). We talked about our daily routine at school and our routine at home before we come to school.

Here are the activities that we do every day at school: we arrive and put our bags up, get our red folders out, play and have breakfast, then we clean up and sit at the carpet, Mrs Hunter picks the helper of the day, we pray, say the Pledge of Allegiance, work on our calendar (we get to dance too during carpet time), then we learn something new, listen to a story, and it is already time for recess!

When we come back in the classroom, it is time for snack,

then we work on a learning activity (creative arts, social / emotional development, religion, science or motor skills). And then, it is already time to pack up!!! We have had A LOT of fun with our friends, but we also miss you and we are always glad to see you at the door ;)

We read a book about being angry this week. Anger is a natural emotion. We talked about identifying when we are angry, then we learned some coping skills (walking away, taking deep breaths, sharing our feelings with a friend or a trusted grown-up). You may practice these skills with your child at home. When children experience strong feelings, they may communicate them through shared pretend play, drawing, or even telling a story. Stay in tune with what your child is trying to tell you ;) We will continue working on that at school!

In religion, our lesson was called Jesus is the Good Shepherd. We talked about how Jesus takes good care of us, like a shepherd does with his sheep! We also talked about other people who take care of us. Take some time to discuss with your children who are the people who take care of them, and to remember them in their prayers of thanksgiving :)

Coming up: Trash bag sales are coming to an end this Friday! Make sure that you bring back your trash bag orders and payment on Friday morning! Thank you in advance for your participation!

Mrs Aline Hunter

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