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Welcome Back 1st Grade!

Ms. Humphrey

Teacher's Notes:

Good Morning and Welcome back to the 2nd semester! I am glad to see everyone back. This semester we will be doing more to focus on our reading skills and our adding and subtracting. We are starting our Spelling words back up and going to work on our recognition of sight word skills. They will be coming home with a list of sight words each week. Please help them practice these words. I am sending home a list of different fun ways that they can practice both their spelling and sight words. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as I can. We are really excited to have everyone back and ready to learn. I hope you have a wonderful week!

Important Dates in January:

  • 3 – School Resumes

  • 6 – Family Picnic Day, No Uniform Day with Item for Food Bank, Reading Party, Grade Cards go home.

  • 11 - BOB

  • 13 - Second Grade Bingo at Village Manor; Fit & Fun Friday, Snowflake Shuffle

  • 16 - No School, Inservice

  • 17 - School Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

  • 21 - Family Game Night at Parish Center

  • 29 - Catholic Schools Week Begins

  • 31 - Bishop Vincke Mass, 1:30 p.m.; Building Committee Meeting, 6:30


  • Read Sight Words each night and sign the paper saying that they practice reading the words

  • Read for 10 minutes each night

  • Math packet- This is due on Friday but it evens out to 4 problems each night or one page each night.

  • Spelling-Tuesday (spell the words aloud), Wednesday (Rainbow Write), Thursday (Fancy Write)

Spelling Words:

  1. Leg

  2. Beg

  3. men

  4. hen

  5. head

  6. bread

  7. grass

  8. spin

  9. there

  10. again

Sight Words:

(please sign the sheet each night to show they practiced reading these words)

  1. not

  2. just

  3. your

  4. out

  5. by

  6. on

  7. to

  8. two

  9. big

  10. had

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