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Welcome to a new year in Preschool!!!

Mrs. Hunter

Meet our little preschoolers...

Left to right (standing): Leeah, Ellie, Kalista, Paisley, Jocelyn, Delaila, Sofia, Harper

(sitting): Billy, David, Kruze, Bosco, Colsyn, Benson, Hudson

(missing on this picture are Garrett, Reagan and Zoe).

We are so happy to get to meet new friends!!!

We had a wonderful first week. Father Peter visited us on the first day and blessed us and our classroom! Thank you Father :)

This week we have been learning how to play together...

We have started to explore and use our crayon boxes!!! Look how serious we are when we work!

You have seen some of our work come home this week in our red folder. Thank you for checking it daily ;) As your children bring home their artwork from school, make sure you praise them, they are so proud to make something for you! You may want to display it somewhere, for example on the refrigerator, until the next master piece comes home ;)

For our first religion lesson, we talked about Mary, the mother of Jesus, and how much she loves all of us. You can find the Bible story and some discussion and prayer ideas for your family on the back of the work sheet that was sent home.

We have been talking about and reading books about feelings related to starting school. Although very exciting to meet new friends and do new things, it is also a little difficult to separate from home and get into new habits at school!

This month, we do not have any birthday to celebrate in our classroom, SO, I was thinking we could celebrate our summer birthdays!!! If your child had a birthday after the last day of school (on May 20th), and if you would like us to celebrate their summer birthdays at school, please contact me and we can set up a date to do so :)

Today is the first day of our Trash Bag Sales Fundraiser. The papers related to this were sent home in the folders. Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any question related to this. HAVE FUN selling trash bags!!!

Wishing you a great week :)

Mrs Aline Hunter

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