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1st Grade Garden Week 3!

Ms. Humphrey

Teachers Notes:

This week we are continuing our math lesson on how to create a number bond and an equation. We are also working on counting to 100 and recognizing numbers 1-100. In English and reading we are working on blending sounds together, breaking apart words by sounds, parts of a sentence, and understanding what we read. When you are reading to your child please stop during the story and ask them questions like, what do you think is going to happen next or do you recognize any of the words on this page? Doing this will help them think about what they are reading and help them gain confidence in their reading skills. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me or send a note in.

Important Dates:

  • September 2 – No Uniform Day with Item or $1 for the Food Bank

  • September 5 – No School, Labor Day

  • September 6 – No School Mass – Moved to Friday that Week

  • September 8 – Trash Bag Sales End

  • September 9 – Grandparent Day - 12:00 Lunch, 12:45 Bingo, 1:45 Mass

  • September 13 – School Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

  • September 19 – Picture Day

  • September 24 – Open House

  • September 26 – No School, Staff Inservice


Every Friday your student will be able to "check-out" a book from the classroom to take home over the weekend. They can keep the books for as long as they want but will not be able to "check-out" a new book until the book they have is brought back in. Every day we will be sending home a yellow folder, please check to ensure that you do not miss anything. This Friday is a No Uniform Day with an item for the the food bank or $1. Also, next Monday is labor day so there will be no school. If you haven't already please order some Covid tests at they are free only until September 2nd and you will get 2 orders of 4 tests each. After that they could end up charging around $150 dollars for a single test.


  • Read a minimum of 15 minutes this week.

  • Review all letters and letter sounds with your students each night.

  • Students will be coming home on Wednesday with number cards, have them recite the numbers on each card to you.

  • Next week we will begin sending home math homework for extra practice.

Words of the week:

When you are reading to your child at home please point out these words and have them practice sounding the word out and reading the word. Thank you!

  1. are

  2. me

  3. she

  4. with

  5. for

  6. and

  7. have

  8. see

  9. said

  10. was

Saint of the week:

Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430) Augustine lived with gusto, having a wild life and getting into much trouble. After reading God's Word in the Bible, he repented and became a fervent Christian. Augustine's writings defended the faith of the Church against heresy. He is the patron saint of theologians and his feast day is August 28.

Prayer of the week:

We Thank you, Lord, for giving us the Bible. Help us learn how you want us to speak and act after hearing your holy Word. Amen.

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