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Ms. Humphrey

1st Grade Garden Week 4 (September 5-September 9)

Teacher Notes:

I apologize that this is getting out to you so late in the week, I will do better in the future. I will be keeping this newsletter short and sweet. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at any time and I will respond as soon as I can. We have a full week with a lot going on so please read the entire note. Thank you for your continued support.

Important Dates:

  • September 5 – No School, Labor Day

  • September 6 – No School Mass – Moved to Friday that Week

  • September 8 – Trash Bag Sales End

  • September 9 – Grandparent Day - 12:00 Lunch, 12:45 Bingo, 1:45 Mass

  • September 13 – School Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

  • September 19 – Picture Day

  • September 24 – Open House

  • September 26 – No School, Staff Inservice


Please continue to read to your child for 15 minutes a week at least and continue to check your student's yellow folder each day. This week your student will be bringing home a math sheet every day except for Friday. These math sheets are not for a grade it is for extra practice to work on the lessons we have been working on. Please encourage your student to do the worksheet each night, if they do not complete the worksheet, it is okay.

Words of the Week:

Please review these words with your students, although we will not be testing on these words this week, they may come up on later spelling tests.

  1. Man

  2. Can

  3. Nap

  4. Tap

  5. Cat

  6. Hat

  7. Not

  8. Does


Trash bag sales end this week, please send in your order forms with the money on Thursday September 8th, 2022. Grandparents' day is Friday September 9th, 2022. This will be a sack lunch day, if you would like to order a sack lunch, please do so by 8 o'clock on Friday at the latest. Also please send your student to school in uniform on Friday we are going to mass at the end of the day. If your students' grandparents are to pick up your student from mass please send an email, note, or call the office to confirm this. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

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