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  • Mrs.Wilson

April 6- 3rd grade updates

The students did and EXCELLENT job on the continent/ocean test last week. I'm so PROUD of how hard they practiced on the stations of the cross readings! They did AWESOME!!! ;) Thanks for your help!

Some students have finished their animal research for their science fair projects. We will work on this more tomorrow. Students will then bring their packets home and need to make the tri-fold poster. I'm so looking forward to seeing the posters and having them share what they've learned!

The projects are due THURSDAY, APRIL 21. (They need to practice the verbal presentation.)

TOMORROW: Chrism Mass. Bring or order a sack lunch. ***Students may bring a snack to eat before we leave: fruit, pretzels, granola bar, etc.*** Leave at 10:30, return around 2:15-2:30. 3 students need to return permission form w/driver's name (sent home yesterday).

*NO uniform day this Friday w/$1 or item for food bank. Family picnic day; bring or order a sack lunch. Stations at 2:00.

Next week: STATE TESTING! Please make sure your child gets a good night's rest and healthy breakfast. They may also bring a healthy snack each day next week.

**I am looking for 2 dozen hard boiled eggs next THURSDAY so we can dye Easter eggs. Please email me if you can help with this. Thank you! :)

We enjoyed a lesson about maps and the Interstate Highway from the Ike Educators today.

FIELD TRIP: Millfest Friday, May 6 in Lindsborg: NEED DRIVERS

BOB battles: TBD

Our field trip is May 6. I know a couple of you have filled out paperwork to drive. IF you would like to drive for our field trip, we need to get started on paperwork asap for those who haven't. There are several forms to fill out. I sent this home a couple of months ago, but can get you another copy if needed. Please email me if you're interested in driving, and let me know if you have already done the paperwork.

*April 8: Family picnic, no uniform

*WEEK OF April 11th: State Testing-Students may bring a snack

*April 13: Battle of the Books

*April 15 & 18: No School: Good Friday & Easter Monday

*April 21: Science Fair Projects due

*April 22: Fun Night

*April 28: Spring Program (wear uniform, at AHS auditorium @ 7

(be there @6:45)

*April 29: Field Day

*May 18: 5th grade promotion mass

*May 24: Last day of school, 1:00 dismissal

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