Last Friday we got to decorate pumpkins donated by Emma's family-THANK YOU! Congrats to Blake, Shannon and Aubrie, who were winners in our pumpkin decorating contest! We had so much fun parading, participating in the amazing trunk or treat and playing games at Tiger Day. THANK YOU to the many parents who helped in some way. We enjoyed seeing you and spending time with you. I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween.
*Just a reminder, our class (along w/2nd grade) is hosting Christmas Tiger Day. More details to come in a few weeks, but we'll need help with prizes and parents to help work the games.*
Today we celebrate All Saints Day, and tomorrow All Souls Day. We are thankful for the saints and their amazing examples. We are learning about many of the saints over the next few weeks. We also pray for our friends and family members who have died, and think of them especially on All Souls Day.
We are proud of our mass readers-thank you for helping with this ministry!
Reminder: FIELD TRIP THURSDAY: Wear uniform and a jacket, bring a sack lunch and water bottle.
Have a great week!
Decorated Pumpkins
Halloween Parade, Trunk or Treat and Tiger Day Games
Living Rosary Last Thursday
More Trunk or Treat: Thank you parents, grandparents, parishioners and community members