Good morning, parents,
We're having so much fun celebrating CSW! We really enjoyed mass with Bishop yesterday. Shannon and her dad got to help act out the gospel story! Great job! What a special honor to be chosen for this!
No math homework or spelling list this week. Tomorrow is the spelling bee and talent show on Friday.
Thank you for helping your child with props/costumes/dressing up this week.
Students are making AWESOME progress toward meeting AR goals this quarter! So proud of them!!!
We'll be making Valentine's boxes next Friday. Please send in a cereal, cracker or empty tissue box (or one of similar size.) We'll send home a list of names soon. Students do not have to make Valentines, but if they choose to, they should bring one for all classmates. Valentines may be brought Monday, Feb. 13 or Tuesday Feb. 14.
Have a great day!