Good afternoon!
I have exciting news. 2nd & 3rd grade are doing a special service project this Thursday, April 14. We are going to make cards and deliver Easter baskets to the residents at Village Manor. I apologize for the late notice, it just came together. We have really missed playing bingo and singing for the residents over the past couple of years. We plan to leave school around 1:00 and head to Village Manor. We'll spend some time playing at Eisenhower Park before returning to school around 2:30. Thanks to Traci for helping drive! Please sign BOTH SIDES of the permission form in your child's planner tonight and send back to school tomorrow.
**Students will need to wear a mask at the nursing home but we will provide one for them.
We really enjoyed attending the Chrism Mass last week. It was such a blessing to see so many priests, our own Father Peter and Bishop Vincke. Special thank you to Jenny Brooks for helping drive. See the pictures below.
This week we are taking a state test each day. Thank you for helping your child get a good night's sleep, and bringing a healthy snack & water bottle each day this week.
No spelling test this week. We have been reviewing the Sorrowful Mysteries. We will test over these Thursday or next week. We wrote them out yesterday and are reviewing in class, but you might ask your students at home as well.
Agony in the garden
Scourging at the pillar
Crowning of thorns
Carrying of the cross
SCIENCE FAIR PROJECTS (ANIMAL POSTERS) are due next THURSDAY, APRIL 21. Students will present these to our class and 2nd grade.
Have a blessed holy week and a great Easter weekend!

FIELD TRIP: Millfest Friday, May 6 in Lindsborg: NEED DRIVERS
Our field trip is May 6. I know a couple of you have filled out paperwork to drive. IF you would like to drive for our field trip, we need to get started on paperwork asap for those who haven't. There are several forms to fill out. I sent this home a couple of months ago, but can get you another copy if needed. Please email me if you're interested in driving, and let me know if you have already done the paperwork.
*WEEK OF April 11th: State Testing-Students may bring a snack
*April 13: Battle of the Books
*April 15 & 18: No School: Good Friday & Easter Monday
*April 20: Battle of the Books school battle 3-4
*April 21: Science Fair Projects due
*April 22: Fun Night
*April 28: Spring Program (wear uniform, at AHS auditorium @ 7
(be there @6:45)
*April 29: Field Day
Wed. May 4: BATTLE w/ST. MARYS @ 12:30 p.m. @ St. Andrew's
*May 18: 5th grade promotion mass
*May 24: Last day of school, 1:00 dismissa