Here are a few things that my Kindergartners are going to learn this week!!!!!!
· Frog number line (learning numbers 1-30), Addition math to 5 with manipulatives
· Relate more and less to length, worksheet
· Frog number line (learning numbers 1-30), Addition math to 10 with manipulatives
· IXL, Math addition towers to 10
· Addition math to 10 with manipulatives, worksheet on their own
Reading wonders
· Healthy soil Healthy life posters
· Rainbow sight words
· Painting color words, penguin color by sight words
· Apple sight words
· Color by number color words
Sight words:
I, can, the, we, see, a, like, and, to, go, you, do
Up-Coming Events:
·Jan. 12th- Battle of the Books
·Jan. 17th- No School/Teacher Inservice
·Jan. 30th- Catholic Schools Week Begins