We enjoyed a visit from Mrs. Hoffman (Ike Educator) yesterday. She read a book called Parachute and talked to us about being brave and facing our fears.
Congrats to Ava for winning the "Keep Christ in Christmas" poster contest!
We are making Soil Conservation posters this week. Thank you for helping your child fill out the form that came home Monday and return to school by Wednesday.
We set new AR goals for this third quarter. I'll send an update every few weeks. Please encourage your child to be reading and working toward making his/her goal.
We're doing reading and math fastbridge testing this week. This helps show how much we've improved and what we still need to work on.
Mrs. Kohman is helping us with our class project. (More to come.)
THANK YOU to those that have sent $ in to contribute toward this. Please return the gold sheet on the front of your auction packet. Remember to sell raffle tickets. THANK YOU to those helping with the auction in any way! We appreciate it so much!
Wednesday - No School Mass; Choir, 2:45 - 3:30; Battle of the Books, 3:00 - 4:00
Thursday - School Mass, 2:00 p.m.
Friday - Spelling Test
12 – Battle of the Books
14 – Welcome, Seminarian Kyle Pfeifer
17 – No School, Inservice
28 – No Uniform Day with Item for Food Bank

We enjoyed a candy cane science experiment last week. Happy Belated Birthday to Weston Black and Emmitt! ;)